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Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Hitting the tough part


  That is my downfall. It is something I eat far too much of and I strongly suspect that for some time now I have had way too much of it in my system. I think that perhaps some of the things my body has been feeling is down to that. This is the main reason why I have opted to use The South Beach diet to kick start my weight loss and change my diet.

  I gave some real thought to what I was actually eating. I had reached a stage where the following would not be at all unusual.

Breakfast - Porridge with rasins and golden syrup
Toast with butter and marmalade.
Mid morning - Chocolate bar(s). I can easily manage anywhere between 50g and 200g in one go.
Lunch - A cheese/ham salad sandwich. Crisps. Yogurt. Cake.
Mid afternoon - Cake, biscuits or chocolate.
Dinner - Proper home cooked from scratch food.
More chocolate.
Evening - It would not be unusual for me to have more chocolate or another dessert.
  So, um. That looks awful doesn't it. Note the lack of question mark there. I know it is really bad. It wouldn't be so bad if it was a once in a blue moon occurance. It gets to the point though where it is daily. Bad enough for anyone but I am someone who loves to cook and knows what a healthy balanced diet is. I will be completely honest though and say that at this moment in time that list of things is also making my head go "Oh yum. Go on there is a shop just round the corner. The children are at their friends so they wouldn't see. Your husband is at work, he'd never know".
  I have two children who get a marvellous diet. They love all food and know that all food is good in moderation. I would not dream of feeding them or allowing them to eat the way I have been eating.
  That is why I am starting off by getting myself off the sugar laden stuff. It is hard though. Most of yesterday evening I was craving it. ANYTHING that it might be in. Watching a fab cookery programme about bread where pastries were being made was out of the question. Within minutes my mouth was actually watering! I told my husband about it because he knows how tough this is for me and I know that he will help me.
  The other part of my tackling this is going to be taking L-glutamine and Chromium supplements. I have been reading that they can help ease sugar cravings. I don't know if it will make a difference but I will certainly give them a go. I just have to wait for them to be delivered now. In the meantime I am going to try to keep myself busy and remind myself constantly why I am doing this.
  Oh and Head - Get lost. This is too important to let you win.


  1. Shell,
    Good luck to both of us as we try to find our ways back to the track. I'm not a sugar addict like you. I'm a savory food addict - popcorn, chips and salsa..... And a carb addict - potatoes, beans, corn. Those are what I would like to consider vegetables.
    I had never heard about L-glutamine and chromium helping with sugar cravings. Isn't that what people take for their joints? I need to take SOMETHING for my joints - especially my knee. It hurts with every step I take.
    Good luck! I'm rooting for you!

    1. I hadn't heard of it until I read about it on a blog post of someone I follow
      She mentioned L-glutamine in that post and I did some searching after that. Apparently L-glutamine is an amino acid that sends a message to your brain telling it that sweet cravings have been met. Whilst searching for information about that I came across the fact that Chromium helps regulate blood sugar by helping insulin get sugar to your cells which.
      Have you tried taking cod liver oil tablets for your joints?


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