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Thursday, 25 April 2013

3 days in.

   I don't want to speak too soon but I think this is beginning to have an effect. I know it is early days but I am certainly feeling a little better in myself. I seem to have passed the headachey stage which I knew would come when I removed the sugar. I am still a little tempted by sweet things but I haven't given in to that temptation. I know that one little bite would lead to another, and another, and another.....

  I am hoping that the sugar temptation will ease a little now anyway. I have some chromium supplements and some L-glutamine. I have been reading about both of these and it certainly sounds like it is worth a try.

  My slow cooker has been a bit of a life saver twice this week. In order to make sure that we have dinner ready when we get in from some of our many busy days I have been putting things in there. It has been good not to have to rush the cooking of tea when I am already hungry. If I had to do all the cooking once we got in then meals would have been late and I probably would have picked whilst doing it.

  I think my next task needs to be getting back into the routine of our days. I have kind of let a lot of things slide over the last few weeks/months. I feel so much better when I follow a routine for my day. I have more time to relax then as well. By that I mean properly relax. Spending hours ignoring all the things that need doing is not relaxing. I then end up with loads of things to do in s very short space of time and rushing from one commitment to the next.

  I think the clearer head from eating better is beginning to make me see that the way I was eating was not the only problem. I have let a lot of things descend into a state I don't want them to be in. The difference at the moment is that I can see that for what it is/was and see a clear path to getting all my life back to where I want it to be. I don't know how much of that was down to what has seemed like an insanely long autumn/winter but I do know that the cold, damp, grey weather we had for months on end certainly co-incided with me losing a lot of sparkle. I feel like I am starting to wake up from a foggy sleep, and I like what I am seeing.

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