I lost someone very special to me. I started a spiral downwards and my weight started to go up. It was OK to start with. Now though... I am back to where I was before and I am feeling more than a little out of control of my eating. I have regained every last pound I lost. I have been for a run 3 times in the last year. I have one pair of jeans that fit me, and that is because I went and bought some new ones. I have draws full of clothes that I can't wear anymore. I am wearing basically the same 2 outfits on rotation because nothing else fits.
I am miserable about it. I was happy before. For the first time in my adult life I was looking in the mirror and liking what I saw. For the first time in my life I was enjoying exercise. Now I am not liking what I see or what I feel. I feel tired, my skin is dry, I can't run without feeling extremely self conscious. I can feel all the extra weight on my body. I don't like it. I have PCOS and I have noticed a big increase in the symptoms I show.
So what now?
Now I have to get a grip on this. That is what I am doing here. This is me trying to get myself back into the place I was before.
I kept a blog before, it helped me stay accountable. I can't even remember what I called it so I am going to start a new one.
I logged every tiny thing I ate on myfitnesspal.
I ran at least 3 times a week and LOVED it.
I planned meals and snacks and stuck to it. If I needed more I ate fruit and drank water.
I weighed and measured every week. Actually I weighed almost daily, I know that is frowned upon in some circles. I do know that it is something that works for me though. It keeps me accountable to myself and means I start everyday with a reminder.
I enjoyed looking nice. I actually chose clothes rather than just grabbing what fitted/was nearest.
- I am going to start blogging again. I am hoping that some people will find it and I will get some encouragement and, previous experience showed me, hopefully some superb advice.
- I am going to start logging everything on myfitnesspal.
- I am going to start going running again. This is going to be hard because I there are children and a husband to fit around. But those are excuses. I can get the children on scooters and bikes or drop them with a friend for 10 minutes to start with.
- I am going to plan meals and snacks and stick to them.
- I am going to weigh and measure every week.
- I am going to go through my clothes and take everything that doesn't fit out. When it does fit again I am going to wear it. I am going to treat them as gifts.
I have planned meals for this week
I weighed this morning. I measured a week ago so I know what that is.
This is the beginning of the blog.
I have resurrected my myfitnesspal account and logged my breakfast.
Still to do I will
Later today I will go through those clothes.
I am going to go for a run when my husband gets home tonight.
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